Fuori dagli schermi! – Theatre show



Wednesday: 20:00 – 22:00

A journey of discovery into what lies behind the phone: the actress shares the stage with digital assistant Siri, always ready to help her users in navigating traffic, counting calories and finding their soul mate. But what if it is Siri that needs help?

In an era when the mobile phone has become a prosthesis of our arm and we are fascinated by the idea of spending time away from devices, Out of Screens! investigates the super power of the 21st century: the ability to perform activities free from digital distractions, embracing boredom without feeling the need to silence it with a glance at social media.

A show that makes us smile like in a selfie, instilling doubt as to why we are doing it, a work therefore that is not meant to be an indictment of a medium but rather a brilliant awareness-raising.

A Compagnia Caterpillar production  

The performance will be followed by an open dialogue with the artist. 

At the end it will be possible to dine on the spot with a risotto.


  • Full price: CHF 25.–
  • Reduced: CHF 20.– (AAC members, BancaStato card, OASI, Under 26, students, FIT card)

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