OtherMovie Lugano Film Festival


Theme of the 13th edition: 'Refuges of the mind

It is in the nature of human beings to continually seek a place of refuge in the face of stressful elements. The first form of refuge is linked to our physicality and coincides with the search for a suitable physical place such as home. But our further, decidedly more complex essence is mental.

And it is precisely on this latter dimension that the thirteenth edition of OtherMovie places the emphasis. On the places of the mind, which allow us to take refuge from the difficulties that life places before us. Discrimination based on physical appearance, gender and sexual orientation, religion, nationality: these are just some of the obstacles that the protagonists of the films and stories we have selected are called upon to face. Problems that arise and that must be faced in order to survive. And to solve them in the best possible way, we need to rework them in a space that is ours alone, protected. Places that can be individual, but also collective, if the issues are shared by an entire community or groups of people.

During this edition, we will try to bring out these places that we have defined as refuges of the mind, making use not only of the films that are the protagonists of the events, but also of direct testimonies, of authoritative specialists as well as of bodies and institutions, especially local ones, thanks to which we will adapt the discourses addressed to the Ticino and Swiss context. A path straddling reality and fiction that we will follow as always, wearing different cultural lenses - cinema, exhibitions, debates, artistic performances -, with the overall objective of promoting an inclusive and constructive dialogue, also based on integration.

Eleven festival days, thirty events on the agenda and more than fifty hours of programming, forty-two films.


  • Studio Foce: CHF 7.–
  • Lux art house / Iride: CHF 16.–
  • Galleria Art..on peper, Centro Bethlehem, Masseria della Solidarietà e Franklin University: Free Entry

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