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The staff of the tourist information offices offer a reception service typical of the "Vero Sud", where the Mediterranean spirit is found in the smile, the helpfulness and the warm welcome. The Lugano Region team is committed to assisting all visitors, both those present and potential guests, by offering an information service, both online and offline, in at least 4 languages (Italian, German, French and English).

Staff are on hand to help you make the decision to visit and stay, helping you choose accommodation and activities to enjoy the region. In addition, hotel reservations and guided excursions organised by us can be arranged at our offices.

Form for contact and information request

Lugano Centre


Piazza della Riforma 1 - Palazzo Civico
6901 Lugano
Tel +41 58 220 65 06


Mon — Fri: 9:00 am — 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm — 6:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am — 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Sunday & Holidays: 10:00 am — 12:00 pm / 1:00 pm — 4:00 pm

Extra services

  • Sale of fishing licenses for tourists
  • Renting boat moorings for short periods
  • Sale of Foxtrail
  • Sale of Detektivtrail
  • Sale of highway sticker (Vignette)
  • Resale of tickets for shows, concerts and other events
  • MyLugano Pass (digital version only)

accessibility information

Ticino Ticket: One ticket, endless emotions Ticino Ticket: One ticket, endless emotions

Ticino Ticket: One ticket, endless emotions

You save time and appreciate even more every minute of your holiday. From the Saint-Gotthard Massif to the soft hills of the Mendrisiotto region. From the furthest valleys to the vibrant cities flanking the lakes. With Ticino Ticket you are free to travel and visit every corner of the southernmost Canton of Switzerland. Staying overnight in a hotel, hostel or campsite you have the possibility to use for free public transport and to get discounts on mountain railways, boat trips on the Swiss part of the lakes and on the main tourist attractions of Ticino.

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