Curated by the artist Alex Dorici, the work "Installation Rope 110 Meters" came to life along the surface of the façade of the Manoeuvre Castle of the Fire Station of the City of Lugano. The work consists of an installation conceived to be born in close connection with the building to which it is linked. The geometric composition has been realised with red naval ropes, the appearance of which may vary depending on the position of the sun: the ropes, slightly detached from the wall, cast their shadows on its surface, modifying its image during the course of the day. The choice of material, its formal composition and colour, are distinctive elements of the artist's style and language and belong specifically to one of the strands of his artistic research, that of Site Specific installations. In particular, this work is part of the series of works called 'Installation Rope'.
Context: Longlake Festival
Realisation: Between 11 and 14 July 2023
Castello di Manovra, Caserma dei Pompieri, 6900 Lugano
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