Chiesa di S. Stefano al Colle


Free entry

In the higher part of the village it rises, inside the cemetery, the ancient church of S. Stefano. It goes back to the XII century and preserve the romanesque bell tower.

The building shows on the inside walls and in the choir, interesting frescos of the XVI century, restored in 1970, in late Gothic style. The figure of S. Caterina on the transversal arc is of the 1479.

The chapel of the Madonna goes back to the XVII century and preserve the frescos of the Annunciation and the Virgo of the Carmelo.

In the church, fragments of fresco of the XII century have also been retrieved.

To the feet of the church an ancient fifteenth-century charnel house with a little legible frescos.

Nucleo 46, 6986 Miglieglia
+41 91 609 18 54

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