Società Svizzera di Salvataggio Sezione Lugano


The SSS Section Lugano is a nonprofit organisation that acts on the basis of the directives of the Head Quarter SLRG SSS and whose aim is the prevention and the rescue of human lifes in the water and in its immediate vicinity. The SSS Section Lugano reaches its aims by means of:

  • the information about the risks regarding to the water
  • the engagement in favour of the young people and the training of new candidates
  • the formation in aquatic environment with rescue courses, free diving and diving with tanks
  • the formation of first aid and cardiopulmonary reanimation (BLS-AED)
  • the formation and training of the first aid squad (GPI)
  • the cooperation with the Lake Police and other rescue and watersport organisations
  • lake prevention and security services
  • the emergency service H24 x 365 days


The information on this site, concerning services or products is provided by external partners. This Information is liable to change frequently; for this reason Lugano Region cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies.