Our tourist destination offers a range of routes for e-MTB divided into easy/medium and medium/difficult. Now everyone has the possibility to enjoy mountain biking thanks to assisted pedalling which allows you to have experiences that would be unthinkable with the mechanical version. Scenic routes and/or intriguing destinations become within everyone's reach. Awareness of one's limits allows safe venture into a diverse region. Challenges and stimuli await you.

Useful links

Stay in a place that offers top customized services, well situated for people who are especially hard to please and want a unique personalized experience. Discover how to transport your bicycle on public transports in the Region of Lugano and all the provided accessory services such as renting, e-MTB Guide, bike shuttle service and workshops. Order and buy our Mountain Bike Map. Topographic 1:25'000, water-proof, rip-proof  and GPS download.

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